Wednesday, 23 December 2009
The Future?
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Project Projection
Architectural Projection Mapping
During my feedback for the PGC phase me and Simon (tutor) talked about trying to find my context for my project. We talked about what the government are eager to fund to help raise any interest within the city of Nottingham.
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
PGC Review
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Olly Moss
Sunday, 6 December 2009
3D Glasses On
The 3D Chamber from The Rainbowmonkey on Vimeo.
Nice Blog
Vampire Weekend

I have created an unofficial music video for the artist Crystal Castle’s and their video Love & Caring. The reason I did this was because the song is about the binary oppositions between love and hate. I wanted to show the opposition in a video, it was also appealing to me because of my idea of lenticualr imagery and wanting to portray two juxtaposed messages in one medium. This is how I came up with the idea of good vs evil. My video was to blend two situations, one good, one evil and see how the viewers emotion of them was confused. I used very old footage from the 1930’s from a website that allows you to use them with full copyright licensing. This allowed me to learn about copyright laws.
Sunday, 29 November 2009
For my project I have been looking at the idea of using a stereoscopic mount to mount 2 cameras to then be able to create this sense of 3D in an image. In terms of motion graphics Im thinking of creating a stereoscopic stop motion animation. I have also decided that the cameras I shall use should be created by myself as well...this is when I stumbled upon Martin Pilný, Mirek Kolář and Richard Vyškovský' Dirkon camera, "the dirkon camera." I shall be creating two of these, these will be the technology I use to take my photographs. If I want to use natural moving objects I shall have to make sure that I get it 24 fps. I feel that I want to create a series of different events. The events I want to be somehow revealing the truth something that I feel is currently foggy to members of the public, in a sense showing how propaganda was false. This is how I want to try and still keep the technique of lenticular imagery. I feel as my research grows I shall then pin-point what the "meat" of my main course shall be. I shall be using modern technology to edit the images. This use of both modern and old technology will reflect the oppositions of false and truth.
Saturday, 28 November 2009
These last few days have been very good in terms of progress for my project. I've began some mock-ups for my actual idea of lenticular imagery. My learning journal is now complete and I have collated a lot of research. Now to think about creating my presentation. After a good seminar on friday I have a more in-depth knowledge of past examples and have created my own presentation plan. By the end of this week I shall have posted my full bibliography of research already found, the next 10 days shall be interesting.
Monday, 23 November 2009
23/11/09 Tutorial
Art Direction
So after the art direction project I have learnt how to analyze a piece of advertising, try to see how the designer got to where they did, what brief they were given/gave themselves. I decided to use Lissitzky's "Beat the whites with the red wedge," a piece of soviet propaganda made in 1919. We disected it and looked at the semiotics, its signs and symbols. I feel it was a good piece to look at as the main messages is used with the shapes and direction. With doing this piece I can see how important it was to get the signs and symbols right for people to understand his message. I will apply this knowledge with my own work so that I know when I try to portray a specific message, I do.
Thursday, 19 November 2009

History of the shoe, Literal advertising techniques, guerilla advertising, future techniques and methods current target audience,
Audience and context
Runners, Teenagers, Designers, Architecturers', Young Adults, Light shoe, Innuendo's, Comedy.
Executional guidelines
Play on techniques, Communication innuendo's, Playful design. Materials used...Hole Punch Scalpel?
Allows audience to see it on both pages, money saving for advertising brand.
If you were commissioned to design this work yourself
Research processes
Stage 1
History of the shoe
Target audience
Current Trends
Stage 2
Brands history
Current examples
Design processes
Stage 1
Applying research to method and experimenting with different styles.
Stage 2
Developing ideas, testing the technique see if it works.
Relating to my own project?
I feel this is a new way of communicating a single message to a wide audience, the technique used is very modern and isn't dated. I feel that the second image doesn't need any type it helps tell the message on its own behalf. Im thinking of looking into how a different angle of looking at something can change your perception, maybe this piece will look different from one side of the paper to the other. It seems very similar to my idea of op-art, I'm wanting to try create something that looks as if it is there when in reality it isn't.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
New Web
Monday, 2 November 2009
Day Tripper
Thursday, 15 October 2009

Tuesday, 6 October 2009
My Approach
to my reflective journal, here will be the HQ for all my sketches, inspirations and work.
may I also add that Stuart, Amy and myself are fond of cheese sandwiches.
you may also find me at